Beferral is Be Group's trusted candidate referral program.

By joining Beferral, you help us to identify qualified candidates for our open positions. The process starts as you build your circle of colleagues, or your Beferral network.

When someone is referred from your Beferral circles and becomes employed, Be Group pays you and the appropriate people in your network a­ Beferral bonus. Think of it as pay-forward crowdsourcing for recruiting!

Be Group will email you a list of open job requirements we’re helping our clients fill. We ask that you review these and let us know if any of your friends, relatives or past co-workers may be interested. Just pass us their name and contact information or have them contact us directly. It's that easy to help someone you know find what may be the perfect opportunity!

Invite others to join Beferral.

Doing so allows you to construct your Beferral circles, and it only takes a few seconds! Specifically, you invite people, an unlimited number of people to form your 1st circle. As people in your 1st circle invite others, their invitees become your 2nd circle, and so on. You can have a total 3-circle after you. As a result, any job-seeking candidate referred from your circles that become employed earns you a bonus money. Remember, a total of three circles can be built around you, and the number of those you invite to build your 1st circle is unlimited.